We firmly believe that brand spirit and brand philosophy are the life force of the company's sustainable operation, and that only through persistence and practice can we create unique and unshakable values that will set us apart from the rest in the market.

Chatime emphasizes the concept of health and refined Taiwanese tea beverages, including strong and aromatic assorted milk teas and a wide selection of fresh fruit teas, etc. It also introduces the concept of "Technology Tea Drinking" through a simplified, standardized and professional production process, where the quality of each cup delivered to the consumer can be maintained at the highest level through the mechanization of a single setting. Its international brand image was honored with the 2015 Brand of the Year Award at the World Brand Award held by the World Branding Forum of the International Brand Association at the Royal Horseguards Hotel in London, UK.

Merry Pho, from the Murray River in California, is a reminder of the history of the Vietnamese people who traveled to the United States after the end of the Vietnam War in 1975. Those who were lucky enough to escape the dangers of the war settled down in the United States and started small businesses or restaurants. Since then, the American Vietnamese food culture has slowly taken shape and has become a favorite among consumers from all over the world. Merry Pho is an American fusion restaurant that adds a new dimension to Vietnamese cuisine. With a legacy that spans half a century, Merry Pho brings you the sensation of multiculturalism.

"Bake Code" strictly selects high-quality flour, adopts clarified water quality, cultivates fruit yeast, upholds the concept of healthy and burden-free, stacks up pure deliciousness, and achieves the right aroma and flavor of baking, so that the real taste of bread is released in chewing, bringing you the most amazing satisfaction in every bite.

Pudding cake was the last dessert in Taiwan in the early 40's and 50's when catering for wedding banquets, because its appearance looks like a pudding, so it is called "pudding cake". In order to preserve the nostalgic taste of the old tradition, we have been continuously developing and improving our pudding cake, which is made in limited quantities every day, with taste, flavor, and health in mind. The texture of the pudding cake is dense and soft, and the flavor of the pudding cake is excellent.

Engolili, an innovative British dessert cuisine that blends British culture with Taiwan's local flavor, will bring the classic must-try British delicacies! In addition to iconic dishes such as shepherd's pie, fish and chips, and Yorkshire pudding, the restaurant also offers a luxurious three-tiered afternoon tea and a healthy British brunch. The elegant store is designed for women, making it a perfect place to enjoy a meal with friends and enjoy a relaxing time.