Chatime drove all the way to Hengshan Town to share love in Christmas
2018 年 11 月 23 日
Lakaffa Subsidiary Company is The First Chinese Restaurant Group Whose Shares Will be Listed in Australia in 2019
2018 年 11 月 30 日Chatime Made the Grade for Running 100 shops in Australia. Lakaffa’s Subsidiary Company expects its revenue to exceed NT$600 million.
After increasing market share, Lakaffa – a chain food and beverage group- announced its expansion in Australia. In order to improve operational efficiency of logistics and to reduce the cost, Lakaffa declared that the second warehouse and distribution center in Melbourne, Australia would be started while celebrating the opening of the 100th Chatime bubble tea shop.
Lakaffa owns 55 percent of Infinite Plus Pty. Ltd’ s shares. Infinite Plus Pty. Ltd was an agent of Lakaffa. For the sake of promoting delicious Taiwanese food, Lakaffa acquired 55 percent of Infinite Plus Pty. Ltd’ s shares; thus took it under Lakaffa’s wing, became the parent company of Infinite Plus Pty. Ltd, and turned it into the headquarter of Lakaffa in Oceania.
Transferring from an agent to a subsidiary company, Infinite Plus Pty. Ltd has dominance over brand management and new product development more than ever, and also obtains supports from the group. Chatime has become the best bubble tea brand in Australia at present and also the only Chinese brand which has set up over 100 shops.
Lakaffa said that after a new manages Infinite Plus Pty. Ltd, the subsidiary company, its revenue has increased. Revenue for 2017 was NT$530 million, which grew by 20 percent in the past year. This year, 9-month revenue is NT$420 million, and the annual revenue is expected to exceed NT$600 million. The amount of benefited franchisees is growing. The franchisees sell over 400 cups of drinks a day in average. The gross profit margin of 3rd quarter is more than 60 percent. Lakaffa expects its revenue to increase by 25-30 percent next year.
Infinite Plus Pty. Ltd, the subsidiary company of Lakaffa, developed its market strategy which is setting up 70 percent shops at shopping malls and 30 percent shops on the streets. Lakaffa indicated that Australians are still used to purchasing items at malls or travel sites. The proportion of franchisees to regular chain stores is 9 to 1 in Australia. After making the grade for opening 100 shops, Infinite Plus Pty. Ltd is going to integrate western cities in Australia for marketing to make itself more competitive from local competitors in order to attract people to become one of the franchisees.
Having set up 100 bubble tea shops so far is really a milestone for Lakaffa; not only making Australia become one of the main markets of Chatime, but also the base of operation to develop bubble tea market in New Zealand, where is close to Australia, and Europe and America, where shares familiar cultures and language with Australia; thereby promoting products and popularizing the brand in English-speaking countries. What the most important is, the product positioning and the market position of Chatime in Australia might be accepted by Europeans and Americans more easily than those in Asia. LAKAFFAmarket position of Chatime in Australia might be accepted by Europeans and Americans more easily than those in Asia. Lakaffa’s international market strategy differs from its competitors’.
(工商 )2018年11月29日 16:51 姚舜
News Link:https://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20181129003483-260410
六角國際集團旗下「CHATIME日出茶太」茶飲品牌在澳洲開出第100家門市,董事長王耀輝(中)與執行副總王麗玉(左至右)、澳洲子公司董事總經理趙晨、澳洲茶太執行長Carlos Antonius與澳洲董事錢楊洋一起主持開幕。(圖/六角國際)