La Kaffa Subsidiary (Kingza International) President Lin Zi-Heng Interviewd by EBC Show “Driving the Strait Economy”
2017 年 10 月 14 日
Groups Promoting “La Kaffa Food App” With Phone in Hand Will Have No Problem Getting Lakaffa Gourmet!
2017 年 11 月 1 日Lakaffa Chairman and Wife invited to TVBS “Insight People” Interview
La Kaffa Chairman Wang Yao-Hui and Executive Vice President Wang Li-Yu
invited to TVBS “Insight People” Interview
Program Information:
★ Taiwanese handmade tea beverages conquer the world; every tapioca tastes the same around the world.
★ MIT-developed “precision machinery” and “Standardized Operating Procedures” for international success! Selling 1.69 cups every second
★ 80% of customers are westerners, Taiwanese bubble milk tea aiming to be world’s most popular beverage
Tune into TVBS (Channel 56)
Broadcast time: 2017/10/29 (Sunday) 20:00
Click here to watch>>Complete Interview