Risk management operations

Risk Management Policies and Procedures:

The Board of Directors of the Company has approved the “Risk Management Policies and Procedures” as the highest guiding principle for risk management of the Company. The Company regularly evaluates its risks annually and formulates risk management policies for each risk, covering management objectives, organizational structure, attribution of authority and responsibility, and risk management procedures, etc. The policies are to be implemented in order to effectively identify, measure, and control the Company’s various risks, and to control acceptable levels of risks arising from business activities. Risks arising from business activities will be controlled within an acceptable range. The Company’s risk management procedures are implemented to effectively identify, measure and control the risks arising from its business activities within an acceptable range.

Risk management:

The Company shall effectively identify, measure, monitor, and control all risks in all business operations, and control the potential risks to a tolerable level in order to achieve the goal of rationalizing risks and rewards. In addition to complying with the relevant regulations of the competent authorities, the Company shall comply with the Company’s risk management policies and procedures as well as the relevant risk management standards and regulations.

The Company’s risk management includes “credit risk”, “market risk”, “interest rate risk”, “liquidity risk”, “operational risk”, and “supply chain risk”.

Risk Management Organization Chart:

Risk management operations:

The Company actively promotes the implementation of a risk management mechanism and reports regularly (once a year) to the Board of Directors on the risks involved in each of the businesses in which it engages and the measures taken to address them.

2023 MAJOR OPERATING SITUATIONS: The Company regularly evaluates the various risks faced by the Company, including credit risk, market risk, liquidity risk, operational risk and supply chain risk, and takes measures to address the related risks.