Functional Committee Members

NameAudit CommitteeRemuneration Committee
Wang Ting Sheng Independent DirectorV (Convener)V (Convener)
Chen Qing Lin Independent DirectorVV
Wang You Sheng Independent DirectorVV

Resume of Audit/Payroll Committee Member

TitleName Major ExperienceCurrently serving on the boards of directors of the Company and other companies
Board Member
Wang Ting-shengM.S. and Ph.D. in International Business, George Washington University, U.S.A.
Member, Hualien County Regional Legislature, Legislative Yuan, Republic of China.
Associate Professor, Department of International Business, National Dong Hua University
Associate Professor, Department of International Business and Trade, Soochow University
Head of Credit Lending Department, Amundi Bank, France
Board Member
Chen Qing LinMBA, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
B.S. in Business, National Taiwan University
Tax Collector, Hsinchu County Tax Office
Tax Officer, Taipei City Internal Revenue Service
Director, Kwong Yu CPAs
Supervisor, TRANWO Technology Corp.
Board Member
Wang You ShengM.B.A., Graduate School of Business Administration, National Chengchi University.
B.S. in Accounting, National Chengchi University
Chief Financial Officer, Chialin Precision Industrial Co.,Ltd.
Commissioner, Over-the-Counter Supervision Department, ROC Over-the-Counter Securities Trading Center (OTC)
Independent Director, Diamond Cab (Holdings) Ltd.
Independent Director of Shuttle Inc.
Independent Director, Casing Macron Technology Co.,Ltd

Audit Committee

The purpose of this committee is to assist the Board of Directors in carrying out its supervisory duties and to be responsible for the tasks entrusted to it by the Company Act, the Securities and Exchange Act and other relevant laws and regulations. The Audit Committee of the Company meets regularly on a quarterly basis and deliberates on, among other things, the following matters:

  1. To establish or amend the internal control system in accordance with the provisions of Article 14-1 of the Securities and Exchange Law.
  2. Assessment of the effectiveness of the internal control system.
  3. To establish or amend the procedures for handling significant financial operations such as acquiring or disposing of assets, engaging in derivative transactions, lending funds to others, and endorsing or providing guarantees for others in accordance with the provisions of Article 36-1 of the Securities and Exchange Act.
  4. Matters in which a director has a personal interest.
  5. Significant asset or derivative transactions.
  6. The Company lends, endorses, or guarantees significant amounts of funds.
  7. To raise, issue, or privately place securities of an equity nature.
  8. Appointment, dismissal or remuneration of certified public accountants.
  9. Appointment or removal of the head of finance, accounting or internal audit.
  10. The annual financial report signed or sealed by the chairman of the board of directors, the manager, and the controller, and the second quarterly financial report which must be audited and certified by a certified public accountant.
  11. Other material matters as stipulated by the Company or the competent authorities.

The Committee consists of all independent directors (including one financial expert), each of whom meets the qualifications prescribed by law in terms of professionalism, work experience, independence, and the number of concurrent independent directors.

The Audit Committee meets at least quarterly. Please refer to the annual report of the Company’s shareholders’ meeting for details of the meetings of the Committee and the attendance rate of each member.

Remuneration Committee

The Committee consists of all independent directors, each of whom meets the professional and independent qualifications required by law. The duties of the Committee are to evaluate the Company’s policies and systems of remuneration for directors and managers in a professional and objective manner. The Committee shall faithfully perform the following duties with the attention of a good manager and submit its recommendations to the Board of Directors for discussion and reference in its decision-making process.

  1. To establish and periodically review policies, systems, standards and structures for performance evaluation and compensation of directors and managers.
  2. Evaluate and set the compensation of directors and managers on a regular basis.

The Remuneration Committee shall meet at least twice a year. Please refer to the annual report of the shareholders’ meeting of the Company for the meetings of this Committee and the attendance rate of each member.

Principles of communication between independent directors and accountants and internal audit supervisors:

  1. The audit supervisor and the accountants are able to communicate directly with the independent directors as necessary and the communication is good.
  2. In addition to the monthly audit reports received by the independent directors of the Company, the head of the audit department also provides the independent directors with important business reports during the quarterly audit committee meetings, and there is sufficient communication on the status of the execution and effectiveness of the audit.
  3. At least once a year, a separate meeting of the independent directors with the accountants and the head of audit is held to report to the independent directors on the results of the audit of the financial statements and the findings.

2023 Communication between the independent directors and the accountants and the head of internal audit during the year:

On November 7, 2023, the Company held a separate communication meeting with all independent directors, accountants and auditors to report on the scope and methodology of financial report review, the results of significant risk assessment and report on key audit issues for the current period, as well as the amendments to significant laws and regulations and their impacts, and all independent directors attending the meeting had no objection.